If you purchase less than 6 books you can still get one of these pendants for 12 dollars, shipping included, whether you buy a couple of books from us or no books at all!
All pendents are HIGH QUALITY, LEAD FREE PEWTER. These pendents in ancient times were thought to have magical properties. They are:
PENDENT #1: ABRACADABRA PENDENT: This design was thought in ancient times to bring the wearer GOOD LUCK, MAGICAL POWERS and the ability to MAKE WISHES COME TRUE.
PENDENT #2: CIRCLE OF SOLOMON PENDENT: It is believed by some that this design was used by King Solomon to acquire WISDOM, GREAT WEALTH and the MAGICAL POWERS to become the most powerful man on earth.
PENDENT #3: FORTUNE PENDENT: This ancient design was thought to bring the wearer GREAT FORTUNE and GOOD LUCK in all matters of money and wealth
PENDENT #4: SPIRIT WISH PENDENT: This design was believed by some in ancient times to grant the favor of good and powerful spirits to bring good luck and wishes to the wearer.
PENDENT #5: PROTECTION PENDENT: This design was believed in ancient times to bring the wearer protection from "evil forces - earthly or not", and general protection.
PENDENT #6: PROTECTION FROM ENEMIES PENDENT: This design was believed in ancient times to bring the wearer protection from "outside forces including enemties, hexes, curses, evil and bad fortune.
PENDENT #7: EVIL EYE PROTECTION PENDENT: This pendent is worn to protect against SPELLS, CURSES, HEXES and THE EVIL EYE - it was also alleged to send the same right back to the sender! Perfect companion to our EVIL EYE book!!
PENDENT #8: EASY LIFE / GOOD MEMORY PENDENT: This design was worn in ancient times by members of a "secret society" and was believed to provide the wearer with an easy, care free life so that "all they should desire would come easy". Was also believed to improve memory.
PENDENT #9: LOVE CROSS PENDENT: This design was believed in ancient times to allow the wearer to acquire the love of anyone that he or she desired, and also to attract the opposite sex and attract one's true love.
PENDENT #10: SRI YANTRA DESIGN PENDENT FOR MONEY & POWER: This design has for centuries been believed to grant "unearthly power" to the wearer in "all levels of existence, seen and unseen".
PRICING FOR ALL AMULETS, INCLUDES FREE SHIPPING: $12 EACH, 2 FOR $22, 3 FOR $30, 4 FOR $36, 5 FOR $40, and ALL TEN FOR $70!! Send payment to R.E. Neuman, PO Box 1157, Saint George, UT 84771 - or email hypnosisbooks@aol.com to arrange a paypal invoice.